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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

DIY: Patterned Cork Coasters

Hi friends! Sorry for the long blog silence. Life has been crazy but I have some very exciting things on the horizon! More about that soon.

Today I want to share a little DIY project. I've been trying to come up with ways to make our living room seem more "finished". I'm happy with our over-all decor, but the space needs a few finishing touches. Sometimes it's the fun little details that make all the difference, right?

So - coasters! I'm embarrassed to say that we've been using a mish-mash of cardboard bar coasters for years (classy, I know). Time for an update.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Lowertown Love

In honor of Valentine's Day, I want to share our engagement pictures! We took these photos last August, and I love looking back and seeing a world that isn't covered in three feet of snow. Look! Green plants! T-shirts! Oh that those days would come again...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Art/Work: Scott Demeranville

Greenland, Detail 2 - Ink on paper, 14" x 17"                                                               ©Scott Demeranville

Art/Work is a feature of Out of the Office that will be dedicated to the amazing artists who balance jobs, family, and all-around full lives – while still managing to find time for their creativity. I’ll be asking them to share their experiences, insights, and advice.

I’m excited to begin this feature with an artist who is very near to my heart: Scott Demeranville. Scott is an incredibly talented photographer  - you can check out some of his photographic work here. Today he’s sharing a drawing project that he worked on last year while working a temp job in a call center.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Book Report: The Wes Anderson Collection

One of the best gifts I received this past Christmas was The Wes Anderson Collection by Matt Zoller Sietz. It’s a gorgeous, hardcover tome with insightful essays and interviews with the director about each of his seven feature films. Oh, and there are plenty of pictures…

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Rustic Vegetable Stew with Tuscan Kale and White Beans

This is something we have been making a lot lately. (And by "we," I really mean Scott, who is the master chef in our household. I am just the assistant.) It's the perfect hardy, comforting warm-up that you need after being out in the cold. And it's good for you!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Good Morning, Lowertown

Ever since Scott and I moved into our apartment, I have been in love with the view from our living room window. We look out over the farmer's market complex across the street, and we have a fairly unobstructed view of Lowertown. Sometimes I can even catch a glimpse of the river.

The views are particularly dramatic in the early mornings, when the sun is just starting to come up. I am not a early riser by nature, but most days I have to get up and head to the office before 8 am. I love taking a moment or two in the midst of the morning rush to admire what's happening outside. I started snapping photos with my phone, and now I consider this an ongoing project. Here are a few of my favorites so far: